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Lisa Madenspacher

Lisa Madenspacher
imagesI have been a free lance artist in Lancaster County for 30 years. My first freelance job of consequence was executing pen and ink illustrations of houses for Holder Decker and Brisson Real Estate. Since then the pen and inks I have done for various builders, realtors, architects and developers have numbered in the thousands. My increasing proficiency with the watercolor medium, combined with the public exposure from the three years of working with the afore mentioned real estate agency, led to numerous private commissions of homes and offices which have ultimately numbered in the several hundreds. I had a long term working relationship with the Sir Speedy Printing Company, who gave me many jobs of a commercial and illustrative nature, representing the artistic and graphic needs of various companies and individuals. My expanding growth in the art field as well as my continued public exposure, have led me to many interesting jobs, including portraiture, product illustrations, book illustrations, art shows, and graphic design.