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David Brumbach

Jungle Jazz, mixed media
images1948 - 1992Like Charles Demuth before him, David Brumbach regarded the city and the surrounding farmlands as his personal muse, exploring the interplay between shadow and light, surface and reflection, over and over to capture a Lancaster that no longer exists. Brumbach unleashed his creativity and talent in two wildly divergent directions, simultaneously surveying the landscape and city scenes with photorealistic acrylics while probing the depths of his imagination and subconscious with abstract mixed media collages. The Star Barn series, perhaps the best known of his photorealistic work, seems an entire world away from his Letters from Africa mixed media series, and one wonders that a single person could possess enough talent to produce such dynamic work and fresh perspective in two opposing styles.Known for: Star Barn series, Letters from Africa Series, photorealistic paintings, mixed media collages.